Tuesday, November 26, 2013


...ENJOY SOME HOT Tortellini in brodo FOR LUNCH!

INGREDIENTS ( serves 4) :

Dough :

200 grams   Finest flour (farina 00)
2                  Eggs ( 1 egg each 100 grams of flour )

Filling :

300 grams  meat: mixture of Sausage, Mortadella, Roast meat (any meat you have)
1                 Egg
                   Parmesan cheese

Just made!

Ready, steady....eat 'em!
 Knead the flour with the eggs, roll out the dough with a rolling pin or using a pasta machine.
Mix together the different kinds of meat, grate some parmigiano cheese and the nutmeg and add to the meat .
Put a little ball of filling onto the dough .
Cut the dough into little squares and make the tortellini with meat inside .
Cook for a few minutes in boiling broth .
Serve with broth, or drain the tortellini from the broth and add the sauce that you like.

Broth :

2 litre   Water
2           Carrots
2           Celery Stalks
1           Onion
¼  of     Hen or chicken or other kind of meat

Let simmer together for 2 hours .

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